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Issue 2019/20
Read the annual issue for 2019/20 below, or download a copy here. Links to the individual articles can be found at the bottom of the page.
Jenny Teoh, St. Cuthbert's Society. Universal Basic Income: A Fantastic Idea?
Helen Poon, St. John's College. How Does Refugee Migration affect the Labour Market?
Eric Sargent, Van Mildert College. Book Review: Bryan Caplan's "The Case Against Education" (2018).
Suhayb Admed, Josephine Butler College. To what Extent have Economists Progressed Our Understanding of the Causes & Prevention of Famines?
Tatyana Wu, John Snow College. From an Economics Perspective, do the Benefits Outweight the Costs of Fighting Climate Change?
Rory Lonergan, Collingwood College. The Hong Kong Protests and its Economic Impact.
Andrew Chang, Collingwood College. On the Adoptability of the Chinese Economic Growth Model.
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