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The Week That Was- 15th February 2016

Writer: Legacy WriterLegacy Writer

New Hampshire results: resounding wins for Sanders and Trump. Vermont senator Bernie Sanders had a comfortable win over former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, with 60.4% of the votes. He declared after his victory: “Together we have sent a message that will resonate from Wall Street to Washington…that government belongs to all of the people.” On the Republican side, Donald Trump came first with 35.3% of the votes, ahead of John Kasich (15.8%) and Ted Cruz (11.7%).

Russia and US agreed on ceasefire deal for Syria. World leaders announced that a ceasefire will be put in place next week in Syria and access to humanitarian aid will be granted to besieged areas.

Three Colombian patients contaminated by the Zika virus died this week. The spread of the virus has been exponential throughout Latin America, particularly in Brazil. The World Health Organisation (WHO) recalled that the virus could be transmitted from pregnant women to their foetuses. Hence, the WHO has called for the countries affected by the virus to authorise access to contraception and abortion.

Christine Lagarde has been nominated for a second five-year term as the head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

FTSE 100 index dropped by 135 points to 5,537, a low point not reached since the Eurozone crisis in 2012, as anxiety shakes markets and hits borrowing costs.

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